Friday, February 27, 2015

Racoons, Dreams and Lucy (aka nothing all that exciting)

Don’t get used to this many posts in a row! I am still trying to catch up from deserting this for months! (and my week has been busy and I want to crash so the more I can get done pre-weekend the happier I’ll be) This is me being proactive instead of being a procrastinator. Weird isn’t it?

I love where I live. It’s really conveniently located to all sorts of restaurants, shopping, downtown is a straight shot, and the airport is 12 minutes away (yes I timed it) BUT it feels like its in the country. There is a neighbor right by the yard with the pool (and Im not sure if you guys remember their dogs that yap constantly. I haven’t silenced them yet….) but other than that I cant see neighbors. I love it… in the daylight. At night I am much more leery. Once I came home to a raccoon standing in between me and the front porch. Thankfully it didn’t like me and SCALED THE FENCE to get out. SCALED. Argh. This morning was almost worst. If I see one of the bear sized raccoons I just kinda watch it and go about my business. This morning though I didn’t see anything moving. I just heard it. I just heard that creepy rustling of leaves in the side yard and the scurry of paws on the porch behind me. You all are most likely rolling your eyes and saying it was just the breeze. NO! There is a difference between leaves being gently rustled by the wind and BEING TRAMPLED BY PAWS. Maybe now I see the gun appeal…. ;)

The war Pool vs. Anna has officially begun. There are a large tree worth of leaves in that pool. I go skim them out each night (while attempting to ignore the yappy dogs). Im losing the battle right now. I am so OCD when it comes to pool. I carefully skim each and every leaf off the surface of the pool (the bottom is atrocious…). I then put the skimmer away, turn around see three BRAND NEW leaves happily floating along. ARGH. It happens everytime. Its so frustrating but then again Im outside in a tee shirt and sweats, cleaning out a pool… not shoveling 5 feet of snow and having the plow drive by right after. So… cant really complain!

I have started the Day One journal post thing. Im on the fence about it so we shall see how long it lasts. The sad part is that it took me 2 days to figure out how to publish a post. I need Jessi in my life more! She knows all of that cool stuff! I am going to do it for a bit just because it took me so long to figure out.

I want to do this so badly. I want to hurl myself down a track of pure ice, face first. Even if I don’t make the team (I mean come on… probably wont) I want the chance to try it. I keep saying that I am going to go take the test… maybe I should work at it and just do it. You only live once right? The only thing I have going for me is that I am (or used to be) fast so the sprints wouldn’t be that bad. Right?

Jury duty….. Not sure how to sum that up. I learned a lot and it was really interesting. (and nice to get out of work for a week!) It was a murder so I felt like I was in a Law and Order episode complete with a medical examiner (who I saw in Target the next day), CSI people, detectives, police, and a weapon. It stills needs a post of its own.. so perhaps next time.

Lucy is going to the doctor today. She has TWO recalls out for her since… forever ago. I think the first one was right when I got down here. Oops. I have finally found doctors for me here as well. I have been a slacker on that front. Next is finding a dentist and then I think I will be all settled here. Oh dear… does that make me a Texan?

Sorry that this was boring. Falling asleep in my cube isn’t really helping. I hope you all have a great weekend. I don’t have any major plans which is actually nice. I need those kind of weekends sometime. I do have a date… with Laurie! (on the phone) I am so excited!!!
P.S My photo is from my first ever NBA game (the Spurs). I had NO idea who/what the Spurs were before coming down here. Now I can name... two players and that is only because my favorite co-worker has two cute boys Duncan and Parker. Anyways... it was fun. I like the atmosphere. I still dont love basketball but going to a game a fun! It is hard to find a picture for my posts when Im not living in Britain/Rome!

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