Saturday, June 20, 2015

Soccer, Cute Old Men, and Lessons Learned

So enough about my quarter life crisis! My list is going well. Im starting to run… slowly. It’s really more of a slow jogging that I am doing. But I have to start somewhere (that’s what I keep telling myself at least!) Now if I could just eat better!! Honestly I need to work on one thing at a time. If I start my workout schedule AND deprive myself of junk food… I would go crazy and *poof* motivation gone. Because guess what… I run to eat!! J I tell myself if I run up that hill… ice cream. If I run more than I planned on… ice cream. See where Im going with this??? I. LOVE. ICE. CREAM. And in Texas it is always warm (not that winter ever stopped me from eating ice cream) so its even better. I also bribe myself with the pool. If I don’t at least run 2.5 a run, I don’t get to cannonball into the pool with all of my clothes on. It’s a fierce motivator.

Speaking of jumping in pools…. That is the one thing that I like about Texas. (I know… I usually just make fun of this insane state!) I love that I can jump in the pool at night. In NY, during the 3 weeks that a pool is usable, as soon as the sun went down it was insane to go swimming. Who wants to go into a 69 degree pool when its 70 degrees out without a sun to warm you up when you get out? Here the pool is like 75-80 and its still 90 out at 9pm. I like it. And I think I have lost my pool “toughness”. If it was 65 at home… jump in! Now… I like it when it’s in the 70’s. J Texas is making me weak… ha
See this picture below?? See anything "wrong" about it???

I'll give you a moment....

Notice that the bag says "earth day"??? Notice how instead of an earth.. the state of TEXAS is on the bag?? No globe... just Texas. (photo courtesy of Crystal letting me take a picture of her bag)

So I learned some things this week.

1.       So who knew that heavy cream could become a solid? It had been in the fridge, opened, since May 5th. Yeah… it looked like tofu. That’s how tan and solid it becomes after festering in the fridge for over a month. Watson came over to sniff and jumped fast SO fast you would have though he got shocked with electricity. Pretty certain that we were both gagging.

2.       You need to be aware of your surroundings before breaking into a dance party. Alone would be ideal. Not while you are walking back from your run where people can see you awkwardly convulsing.

3.       You will see people on your morning run. Just because I avoid being out of bed before 6:30am, doesn’t mean that the world isn’t awake and out and about at that time.  So when you get dressed and decide that its ok that you wear see-through bright yellow shorts with really cute teal underwear, a hot pink sports bra and a bright blue tank top because hey… no one will see you… its FALSE. People will see you, including the cutest OLD man ever to walk on this planet.

The conversation went like this:


COM(Cute Old Man)- “Did you get up this early to run??”

Me- “Ha yes I did… Not sure what I was thinking!”

COM- “Good for you!”


COM- “I like you….. because you don’t match.”

Me- ….. stare and laughing “Yeah… kinda got dressed in the dark this morning”

COM- “You could always turn on a light… but I think it’s a nice bright outfit.”

And cute old man shuffles away…. And Im just left on the sidewalk. speechless. That somehow is my life. Its never boring J


4.       Before you blare music into your eardrums.. make sure that people around you can’t hear it. Especially when said song is Gold Digger. The explicit version. (don’t ask…) Thankfully my row is cool.

5.       I can’t hop fences. Yes I tried it. Yes it was this week. And no I was stealing/trespassing or breaking in. I was trying to break out. The ranch butts up to the local high school and the gates for the soccer fields were WIDE open. Complete with goals and everything. I was dying to get on the field... enough that I attempted a fence climb. There was convenient hole under the fence that was a perfect for my soccer ball. That was the only part that went well. I ended up dirty and bleeding (yes I bled. I scrapped my arm) and still on the wrong side of the fence. If anyone ever wants a fence hopped… don’t ask me. (in my defense the fence and my cleats were really wet from the rain.)

6.       Working from home is going to be hard. Seriously. I went without seeing a human from Tuesday night til Thursday night when I walked with my aunt. I talked to my cat. Yes…. True statement. Its really odd to work from home that much. Really weird. BUT I get to run in the morning and I feel GREAT after! Im so awake and ready for the day. Its just the getting out of bed early that kills me. Ill admit it… almost didn’t happen on Thursday. Its just so easy to NOT get up!

7.       Im not good at sharing. That’s a horrible thing to say, but its true. I don’t mind sharing food… most of the time. I don’t like sharing my cube though. And my drawers. I had to clean out half of everything. See the before and after L


I got the cutest email yesterday from my sister. Who else thinks that this is the BEST email attachment ever??

The Women’s World Cup…. I love it. I love soccer. And I love the women’s team. This Cup has been great for American soccer and, almost more importantly, the women’s game. It has sparked a lot of important conversations.

1.       The turf. Yes… you are all rolling your eyes right now. Its been over talked about, and too many excuses have already been made. But the bottom line… the Men’s tournament has never and will never be played on turf. Yes, it was in proposal made by Canada… but when a company offers to install grass in all of the stadiums FOR NO COST and FIFA still denies the request… that’s bad. To me its not a “the ball will roll/bounce differently” or the “hard on the bodies” issue. It’s an equality issue.

2.       Seth Blatter’s comments along the lines of “maybe women should wear shorter/tighter outfits for more people should watch” has been made again… this time by a Brazilian.  The backlash to these comments are important and encouraging.

3.       Not an important conversation but… I do love that the Women’s team is more successful than the men’s
Watson's 1st birthday is June 30th... I'll do something to celebrate with him!

 Kirsten and I last night at the 50th anniversary party


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