Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Nothing All That Epic

Oh my goodness.. I have a night off. What is this weird concept?  I was supposed to have a softball game but a water broke (or something along those lines) so I get to stay home! I am so excited. I watched the Lego movie (the end made it worth while), did a whole bunch of chores and am now watching the second Hobbit movie. (J.R.R Tolkien is turning over in his grave. Im sure) I am also making a cake. It doesn’t count because its from a box. I have learned my lesson from my last one though. I made it as a 13x9 so I can make it in my pyrex and have an air TIGHT lid on it so it wont go stale in two days. Im most likely going to eat all of it. I have some walking to do for sure!

Its eerie outside (which is why Im inside watching the Hobbit) There are probably 50 crows hanging out around the house. Its either going to be like Alfred Hitchcock’s the Birds or Edgar Allen Poe’s The Raven. Not sure which is worse as The Birds doenst have a definitive ending. If one of them comes rapping, rapping on my door, I shall freak out.

This week started out pretty busy. I was tired from the weekend of parties and not sleeping. Monday was Bday dinner for Jared (I think that he liked his Venus Fly Trap) Last night was football… I cant believe I am going to say this ( I really cant) but it was kinda fun. I caught a pass for a touchdown and actually knocked a ball down so my girl wouldn’t score a touchdown. Perhaps I am NFL material after all ;) We won 25-12 so perhaps that is why it was fun. And my girls were slow so it was a nice easy game. Oh I did miss a completely catchable ball. But whatever… didn’t let in a touchdown!

Today was my WFH (Work From Home. Accenture likes acronyms.) I didn’t put real clothes on, didn’t match my pj pants to my shirt, didn’t brush my hair, and didn’t put on makeup. I LOVE Wednesdays. I still do work! I just don’t have to look presentable. It is great.

On Monday I had a brand new experience! I burnt my tongue on a Skittle. Yup. A Skittle. I bet you don’t think its possible, but anything can bake in a car in Texas. I ran some errands on lunch and picked up a bag which I proceeded to leave it in my car. Me being as smart as I am saw them after work (3 hours later) and threw some in my mouth. It hurt. Other things that melt in Texas cars… chapstick, pens, and plastic Ted Baker bags. (The bag was actually way cool when it was melty. It was so and pliable. It cooled down and then got all stiff again. I also continue to burn my face on my sunglasses. You would think a girl would learn…

San Antonio… I like it but Im not in love. It’s a city, but it doenst feel like one. It feels like Buffalo. I remember when Sister lived in Buffalo I said I would never live somewhere that the driving was that busy… and here I am. I miss back country roads. More than I did in London. London was so exciting and I could hope on public transportation. Here its city but different. I need to walk the ranch more and feel like Im in the country.

I love having the dogs and cat here at the house with me. The cat is crazy. It sits in the sink to drink water, and eats my hair. She is actually chewing on it as I type. She sits behind me on the couch and chews my hair. The dogs and I are best buds. I give them treats so they like me. Its easy.

The World Cup is over. Its pathetic but I don’t know what Im going to do with my life now! It was something I loved that I could get into. I think I need to find a hobby (a cheap one) I don’t have a passion anymore and I need to find one.

My job… blah. There are some days/moment that I would rather be at Chaut. I know. Shocking. But Im telling people that their hours are charged to the incorrect code 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. I miss Laurie and my pre-season CHQ crew. The phones kinda sucked, but I knew what I was doing, and got to hang out with awesome people. I do like the people at work. They make it good. Its just the job itself that is depressing.

Ok I am completely out of things to say. Perhaps my next post will be more exciting??

I miss you all!

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