Thursday, August 20, 2015

Back To Random Nonsense

There are moments that I feel like my father’s daughter… which isn’t ALL bad ;) We have the same cool thumbs (Mom’s are just weird!), we both don’t dance, we do not talk for hours in grocery stores (mom), we don’t like talking on the phone, and yesterday I added one to the list. I completely pulled a Dad. I was so SO excited for my new planner to come in the mail! It is Kate Spade (which is completely unnecessary) and UPS said it was out on the truck for delivery. Well it was 5 and no planner. I had checked the garbage bin 3 times already (that’s where the packages get left). So what did I do?? I stood in the entry way and stared down the driveway, waiting for the UPS man. Dad uses the dining room window at home… I becoming more and more like my parents. It’s not good!

Going along with that becoming your parents theme…. No one wants to go grocery shopping with me thanks to mom. I am OCD about how the groceries are put on the belt. Like extremely. Years of being training by mom has damaged me. If they aren’t my groceries, I have to take a deep breath and let it go. And I have to do dishes in the order that she made us. Silverware first, then plates, then glasses, next are the bowls, and then you can move to the random items. (this is a huge debate in the Rusch Household. Dad says the silverware should be last) I have been damaged. J

I don’t remember the last time I brushed my hair. That is what work from home does to me. Not that I ever did my hair before. If I was feeling crazy… I would straighten it. I am the worst girl. Honestly. I can put my hair in a ponytail, a French braid and a bun when my hair is long enough. Curling my hair doesn’t work, neither does the cute braids that are so vogue. My sister was already good at that. Should have made her teach me. Oh and my nails… always look bad. I paint them…. Sometimes… and then let the paint chip off. One thing that is good about Texas is that it is always hot, so I have to shave year round! ;)

I think this is so good:

The picture is absolutely perfect. And she has her glittery scarf on. Pretty awesome lady. Her tact was impeccable. Chautauquans are ridiculous, and she always smoothed the craziest things over. (and when I say crazy… I mean wanting a new South Lot spot because a bird was pooping on their car, crazy) The crankiest people left in a better mood. Well… she at least had tact to their face! Sometimes there was a slammed phone after someone called to complain that the plaza cam wasn’t working….again. J She nicely talked to them about it, and the conversation usually turned to how much it had snowed that winter because she drove by the sign everyday on the way to work … I would transfer them to the Colonnade. I need some of that tact. I have a little too much temper sometimes. I blame the red hair!

Today is my 3 year “Back to the USA” anniversary. I read my Timehop today and wow… I was not happy to be flying home. I only remember a few things from that trip:

1.       Cried when the taxi pulled away from my flat

2.       The really nice airport man who let my extra heavy suitcases go

3.       Feeling like I was flying to North Korea after walking under a huge photo of Obama to get to the USA portion of the Ireland airport. Uber creepy

4.       My carryon weighing as much as I did. They were both so incredibly heavy.

It all seems like a lifetime ago. Such a fake smile.

The Ted Baker and the Calvin Klein bags were my carry-ons. And I wore my sweatshirt and carried my laptop in my arms. The things I did….

I am starting to feel stuck again. And restless. This job has just been killing me lately. And walking into this cube farm everyday… a bit of my soul dies. (Dramatic yes, but seriously). Staring at a screen for 8 hours is just… ARGH. I am basically in a customer service role, just behind a computer. I help people with training stuff. And it’s so SO repetitive.

I need to be using my free time better. I need to be reading more. Something mentally stimulating. I feel like my brain has been sleeping for 3 years.

I had this to-do list in June and this is how it is coming along:

·         Train to run the Rock and Roll ½ marathon in Dec.

o   Not where I want to be at… the stitches didn’t help

·         Learn to play the violin (I have been squirreling away $ and prob going to just buy a cheap one)

o   Bought a really cheap one. Cant wait for it to arrive this weekend!

·         Read more, watch TV less

o   Found Frasier on Netflix… so Im failing on this front

·         Eat better

o   Was doing well until this past weekend when I ate my weight in Salt & Vinegar chips & ice cream

·         Work out more (kinda goes with #1)

o   Ehhhhh

·         School…

o   Applied to a teaching certification program at UTSA

o   Yeah decided against that… again. For the 15th time

·         Look into UT

o   Email the director of the Holocaust Center

o   Didn’t respond

o   Take a tour

o   Work on essay

·         Study for the GRE’s

o   Hasn’t happened

·         Rock the GRE’s

·         Go to Austin

o   Really want to do this!

·         Buy old stuff in Fredericksburg

o   Need money for this one!

·         Go to Dallas and check out the art scene

·         Take an beginner adult ballet class

·         Making a 1-3 year life plan/goals

·         Get my pictures organized and printed- I did this!

·         Try Skeleton

Kinda need to get back on track….And I would like a life reset button please.

Oh and is it Friday yet?

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