Monday, August 3, 2015

All of What's Wrong in this World... 4 examples

So…. This post should be about San Francisco, but I have been on a rampage lately about the world. So this post is going to be a product of that rampage. I am sorry ahead of time. If you are one of those people who don’t watch the news because its “depressing”… 1. Wake up. 2. You really need to read this.

The topic that started it all a few weeks ago with this:

Just read it. Menstruating girls shunned from society, unable to go to school and not even allowed in the family home. I thought this was appalling… a culture that needs to shift and provide support/education and proper supplies for menstruating women. I was all in a tizzy over that until this past week when I read this journal from an OBGYN with Doctor’s without Borders:

800 women die per day from childbearing related complications. The worst part is that they are mostly preventable. A culture of giving birth at home without prenatal care causes complications which family members do not always recognize. They wait too long to go to a hospital and because of insufficient ambulances and modes of transportation, they often arrive too late. Add that to the culture of the rape of girls/young women and not allow legal abortions. Then add in that babies born outside of wedlock are destined to be shunned along with the mother and you get a desperate teenager who sticks a rod or stick up her in a desperate attempt to abort the baby. Due to their embarrassment.. the young girls wait too long to get medical help and arrive with stomachs full of pus. I was ranting about this journal for days. Makes me want to be a midwife and buy a ticket to Sierra Leone.

I love John Oliver. I watch his show every week and usually always get frustrated. I wish he was my best friend because 1. He is British. 2. He is hilarious. 3. He is smart. 2 weeks ago the topic was food waste in America. It’s appalling. What is even more appalling is the number of people who go to bed hungry at night when perfectly good food gets thrown out. The reason it doesn’t get to the people who needs it? It COSTS TOO MUCH. Argh. Watch the clip below. Im sure you will be frustrated after the 17mins 49 secs.

I absolutely love soccer. Everything about it and the World Cup every other year is 1 month of pure awesomeness. I live and breathe soccer, scheduling my life around games. The World Cup in 2022 is going to be held in Qatar… and I will not be watching. Neither should any of you. I watched the Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel and was enraged. I knew the migrant worker situation was bad… but I had no idea. I can’t find the clip on the internet but this one from ESPN360 sums it up well:

4,000 workers are expected to die in a modern day slavery/indentured servitude. 4,000 lives. I will not support an event/organization that allows this to occur. I am hoping that the international community does something to stop this from happening in Qatar… but Im not optimistic. If FIFA won’t put an end to it (they are the most corrupt organization in the world so I am not holding my breath), then the international soccer community needs to. Boycott the Cup. This is worse than the Berlin Olympics in my opinion. The USMNT needs to stay home. The big stars of soccer need to as well: Brazil, Portugal, Germany, etc. The sponsors need to pull their support too. Visa, Coke, McDonalds and Adidas all need to back out but, almost as importantly, Nike, American Express, Pepsi and other major companies would have to not step in to take over the sponsorship. Qatar 2022 should not be happening.

Other tiny topics that have bothered me the last few weeks:

1.       The Confederate flag thing: this northern girl doesn’t get the need to fly it. Last time I checked, sides that lost wars tend not to be allowed to fly their flag in the place in which they lost the war.

2.       It’s sad that we have to make laws to be nice to people. I don’t care what you think/or how you feel about people… it is really that hard to be nice to people anyways? Goodness.

3.       The shooting at the recruiting stations was horrible… armed randos sticking themselves outside to protect them is stupid. Goodness.

Ok I think I’m done getting the venting out. The next post will be gleeful and fluffy. Promise.

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