Saturday, June 7, 2014

Bad to Worse. Side Effects are Real

Do you know what I learned this week?? An extremely important lesson... dont complain about something because it can always get worse. Tonsil stone... they are gross. The side effects of Amoxicillin when you are allergic is even worse. Yeah... Im allergic. Instead of a sore throat, I have angry little red bumps over half of my body that itch. My stomach, back, chest, and head have been constantly itching since Thursday. In addition a SECOND side effect appeared last night. Im not so sure that Im ok disclosing said ailment on the world wide web, but lets just say Im really itchy everywhere, extremely uncomfortable, and my stomach hates me from all of the drugs that are pumping through my veins. (there are currently 4)

Lets back it up to Thursday night when I called my parents and casually mentioned that I was itching and looking like I got stabbed with a pine tree everywhere (Im allergic. I alos break out in red, itchy dots when I go strawberry picking. I think its the hay and yet every year my mother drags me to slave in the hot sun and get all itchy. Im pretty sure thats abuse) Anyways I tell mom, who tells dad, who googles it. Apparently a rash from this stuff is normal... until it starts itching. Shouldnt disclosed all of that info to the parents because they get worried and tell me that I should drive to the clinic.

I ignored them. That is what 25 year olds are supposed to do. Ignore their parents. So I go to work and cant stop itching and notice that side effect 2 is appearing rapidly. Great. Maybe I should call the doctor? I stop at Walmart after to get drugs (legal over the counter ones) I decide to grab some Benadryl for my angry red welts and for the fact that Texas hates me and has big bugs that bite so it may come in handy to have a stash. Then I remember that I wanted Tylenol a week or so ago and didnt have any.. so by the reach the self checkout I have 4 kinds of meds. I was waiting for a siren to go off as Im scanning med after med. (it didnt btw!)

I get home and I really dont feel well so... I cave. I call the doctor. They say (and I quote) "Ok Anna, The doctor will call you right back in a few minutes). This was at 4:45. By 7:30 I hadnt heard anything. I took the pill at night when I was supposed to and headed to bed. This morning I get a call saying that since its a rash Im probably ok. Just keep taking it. Ummm... not just a rash. I have second side effect also. Ohhhh... well the doctor needs to know this and we will call you back. OMG. This time she called me back in 10 minutes. Basically she said that I should stop taking Amoxicillin pronto (she was distressed that I took it last night. Ummm YOU DIDNT CALL ME BACK!) and that I was given a really high dosage (500mg 3 times a day) and that they are prescribing a new drug and cutting the amount in half (250mg ONCE a day). Yeah... I dont have confidence in the doctor I saw last week. The new doctor gave me prescription  for the antibiotic and one to fight side effect #2. THANK GOODNESS.

CVS makes me miss Wegmans. Because I have spent far too much of my life in customer service, I am very aware of how I get treated (I also try to be the perfect customer). The girl at CVS was not good. I walk up to the counter and she says that she will be right with me. The other pharmacist says what? (she didnt see me and I think she thought that girl #1 was talking to her) Girl #1 says "Oh she just needs... something." with some attitude. Ok whatever no big deal. She is cashing me out and I have 3 to pick up. She looks at me and says (again I quote) "Wow. What is wrong with you! You have a lot to pick up". Ummm... what? I just say "haha where do I start" to avoid the question. Not sure she got the joke because she just STARED. I swear I heard crickets. So awkward. Not so sure she will be working there that long if she asks everyone whats wrong with them.

So very long story short... I miss my stones. I dont feel well, but I have so many meds in this house and pumping through my veins that I should be soon. 4 meds.. one for the stones, one for side effect two, the remnant of the amoxicillin I took last night, and remnants of the stuff I took last night for side effect 2. And I wonder why my stomach hurts....

Lets switch to random topics. The first being the Texas flag. I want you all to think about the things that the NYS flag is on. How often do you see Liberty and Justice on a field of blue?? (and come on. We couldnt be more creative than that? Liberty and Justice... that hasnt been done before. Kinda like the towns of NYS. Cuba, Rome, Greece, Jamestown, Syracuse, and Milan are just a few.) Anyways back to the original point that I havent seen the NYS flag since 4th grade when we learned about state history. I have seen the Texas state flag everyday since being here. Its weird.

This state gets more and more hostile. Stickers, mouse sized beetles, post-it sized spiders, scorpions (havent seen one yet but apparently the house Im in gets them. OMG), and today I spotted my first.... snake. Eww. Im not ok with Texas' insect/reptile population (except for those cute green lizards. Those are ok!)

I dont have any stories. I havent felt well enough to do anything stupid, so I dont have any dumb stories for you guys. Sorry!

I miss you all!

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