Wow. I was in awe with the amount of messages and texts that I received after my last blog post! I had no idea how many people that I know have had tonsil stones. It makes me feel better that I am not so alone with crazy weird and gross ailments. Everyone told me to just scrape them out so I tried... According to Google, a bobby pin is the best. Just stick the looped end down your throat, scrape away, and voila!, they are gone. HAHAHAHA yeah... not so easy. After 4 takes I finally touched the stupid stone and immediately almost threw up. To me the word "stone" implies that it is a HARD object. The definition according to brillant (but crazy) Mr. Merriam Webster states that a stone is a "hard, solid, nonmetallic mineral matter of which rock is made". Apparently tonsil stones are not in fact stone... they are spongy. I hit it with the bobbypin and it was SPONGY. I literally gagged and almost lost the entire contents of my stomach. So... long story short: I didnt remove them. Friday I woke up and had stones on both sides of my tonsils and I felt worse than I had Thursday. (I think I mentioned this all in my post on Friday) Work was hard. I kept putting my head on the cold corner of my cube and gagging when I drank water. I lived though. Yesterday my throat still hurt, but I didnt have a fever or a crazy bad ear ache, and today I only have a stone on the left side of my tonsil. Where the other one went, I do NOT want to think about. Argh so gross.
The Corporate Cup.... a wake up call that I need to get my act together and start to work on getting in some kind of shape. It was a fun event. There were something like 72 companies and 5,000 people there. We had a tent with food and it was fun to see people outside of work. My team was kinda intense but it was fine. It was my first legit battle with the Texas sun. I got there at 7:15 or so, and we left at 12:45 (that is 5.5 hours in the sun) I put sunscreen on twice and the only thing that has color is my face. I consider it a win. I'm not burnt at all! (minus my face)
So I survived.. how was the race?? Well.. I lived through it. I had a BAD time. Im not even going to tell you all the time. We came in 3rd in our heat (and there are 4 heats) so we didnt place, but we didnt suck. So win right? Yesterday confirmed that I made the right choice and played softball instead of ran track. (not that I ever had any doubts!) The sun beats off the stupid thing, and I hate passing the baton. I wasnt a liability yesterday... but I didnt really help the cause. It reminded me though.. has anyone been to the school lately? Do I still hold the prestigious "Shuttle Run" record?? hahaha. I used to be fast, so the fact that I wasnt yesterday was kind of a bummer.
In other randomness... The driving here is starting to be annoying. There is one thing that I am horrible at (ok probably more than one). Since this is actually civilization every road has at least two lanes (more on this in a minute) so when you have to turn left there are two turning lanes. Im absolutely horrible at turning left because you have to stay in your lane, but you have you to judge it by the hashed lines and someone is turning with you. I hate it. When I am on the inside lane I am better, because I just look at the double yellow line and I can figure it out and ignore the car next to me. When Im in the outside lane I have to go really slow and try to judge it from the curb.
Two line streets.. that is the norm. I miss driving behind a old person from Florida or a PA license plate (we all know that they cant drive) and being mad that I cant pass. I am tired of one way streets. If you miss the driveway you have to go ALL the way to the turnaround, go back, take another turn around and try again. You are always surrounded by cars. I miss one lane streets. I miss back roads that dont have lines. I miss the 55 mile per hour speed limits that no one pays attention to. I miss dirt roads that cover your car in a film of dust. And last but not least.. I miss not having to shift every 2 feet.
My biggest pet peeve are the drivers themselves. Whenever two lanes have to merge, instead of merging like normal people. they floor it to the end of the lane and cut everyone off. So the line that is in the right lane has to wait longer because of all the rude people cut in line! I want to go back to Britain. At least they know how to queue!
Ok I think that is all for the day. i know that I owe a lot of you an email or facebook message. Ill try really hard to get caught up within the next few day!
Miss you all!
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