Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Debacles and the Quarter Life Crisis Continues...

My life is never boring. It has kept me on my toes lately. Tonsil stones, reactions, my eye freaking out, etc. My eye is back to normal. (mostly) But other thing have stepped in to make sure I don’t have a normal week. On Friday I looked so cute. (conceited I know) but I had my cute bright blue pencil skirt on. The one from Benneton on Oxford St that I never wore around the 14710, and paired with a cute white shirt I actually looked put together. Thankfully I wore it on a Friday because at 2ish I went to the bathroom and zipped my cute shirt in the zipper. I pull the zipper down to re-zip and… it came off the track. Completely. The entire head of the zipper is bent and the track isn’t going back in. So I have a pencil skirt with a nonfunctioning zipper. Ok. Awesome. Thankfully by shirt was uber long and if I left it untucked no one could see my cute undies. The zipper is slightly important a pencil shirt considering it KEEPS THE SHIRT UP. I snuck to my desk and pinged Crystal who is prepared for every life situation and had safety pins. Phew. What was really fun was that I had to make it back to bathroom, and even after I pinned it, I had leave my shirt untucked. Gah. So much for getting dressed. (Picture a white tank that is hits my waist in the front, but has a tail and swoops down to my hammies, untucked over a pencil skirt. Yup. Looked dumb)

Along the same lines… my dress that I wore to work today makes me look pregnant. Not just a cute bump, but like a solid 4 months. It has an awkward waistline… its not an empire waist, but its not at the hips either. Its in the middle and it makes me look like Im hiding something. Of course I have worn the dress 4 or 5 times now and just noticed today…

My name apparently means graceful. Haha. Every morning that I wear a dress/skirt to work, I fall out of my car. I literally scan the surrounding area before I get out. No matter what I do, my skirt is bunched up or blowing badly in the wind. I hurry to fix it which is when I usually hit my bag against my car and stumble in heels and have to catch myself. You think I would be better at exiting a vehicle in a dress. You would think…

I had flag football last night. At 9:30. Argh. We lost against a pretty good team and let me be completely honest… I didn’t care. All of the guys did. They start getting all intense. (at the end of game they decided we need to go back to getting there early to jog and go over things…. I forget that it is the nfl that we are playing in) I don’t know why I am so uncaring about the games. I am competitive. I like to win. Flag football I could care less. But the real fun happened before the game, before I even stepped on the field…

I parked my car and headed through the parking lot to the field. Shortly after locking my car everything went downhill. I was looking afar to the field and thinking “what color are we again? We are green right? Wait no.. that is softball.” While I am thinking this Im scanning the sidelines to see someone I know. I should probably mention that I am wearing my blue team shirt. All I had to do is LOOK DOWN. But no. I continue scanning. Then I see a crew of blue and think “Oh right. Duh we are blue” And right then, in the very instant that I think “blue” I am in extreme pain. Everyone know those concrete strips in parking lots that tell the driver “hey parking spot ending! Please release your foot from the gas and apply the brakes!”?? Well I kicked one because I wasn’t LOOKING DOWN. Oh my goodness it hurt. I was in public so I just bent over and did the silent scream. Im so good at that. I take a moment to examine the damage and notice that my nail is scrapped. Ok… that is a lot of pain for that, but whatever.

I played the game and kept feeling my toe throb. Weird. I need to rebuild my pain tolerance… this is pathetic. I woke up this morning and the bottom knuckle is purple. Ahh… so the pain wasn’t from the nail. It hurts to walk. I have to walk on the outside of my foot (which now hurts). It’s the same pain that I had with my other toes. That sharp, on fire pain. Sigh. (important tidbit that has been overlooked its my left foot, 2nd toe.) It completely threw my outfit this morning. I was going to wear pants that require heels (because they are so long) but I could get my toe in the heel without dying. Tonight is softball…. Should be interesting.

Since P-Dogg wont come down and be my personal trainer, I had to figure something else out! Thankfully my family has moved into “my” house for 6 weeks or so. My aunt walks every night and whenever I am free I tag along. She doenst “walk” by the way. It’s a canter and when you are done with the 3.5 miles I am literally dripping with sweat. I love it. Having a buddy helps. So much!

I have softball again tonight…. I don’t want to go. Just because I kinda made a fool out of myself last time. I still firmly keep my stance on the entire crap rule, but I probably could have done it with a little more class… oops. And Im not throwing in to a cutoff when second base is 5 ft away from me… and Willie Mays seemed to do ok catching with his glove down. It just annoying that my team is so hardcore and they have no idea what they are talking about. Im so good at keeping my mouth shut too… gah. I have to keep my head on straight tonight and bat better. We shall see how fast I am with a broken toe too…

So this is a rewrite of the original post that I wrote last night. I shouldn’t blog when I am tired and have a throbbing toe. I still haven’t had the best week this week. Still struggling honestly. Sitting in a cube all day emailing people that they need to fix their crap, and then getting stupid emails back is hitting me. Im supposed to be doing research, looking at art and writing articles. I have been trying to not have a ¼ life crisis for two weeks now. I think that is some of my problem with the sports… I don’t care, and I have a temper (which I usually don’t have). Im still not where I really want to be at, and Im getting impatient. (Patience is not one of my virtues.)

That is all I have today!

I miss you all. (and I miss the lake for some reason)

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