Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A Manic Monday

Sorry I missed yesterday. My Monday was a MANIC MONDAY!! Work was rough. I had a conference call with the manager and he was really nice, but he wanted lots of stuff that we haven’t been doing so we had to look at everything again. SO much fun.  So work was hectic and then I had a rough night that ended really well!


I haven’t been receiving my packages from my mom and lego.com (only the best website to get some things from!) Anyways I really wanted my stuff (candy and legos. Honestly who wouldn’t!) I stopped home at 4:50 to look in the driveway…. Nothing. ARGH! I put the post office address into my gps (yup can only go to work and back without it) and headed off. As I was pulling out I thought “hmmm… I should check the mail. Eh no. I have to make it to the post office and the packages don’t fix in the box anyways” (this thought will be important later) I drive the few miles to the post office. The highway was a little backed up but nothing too horrible. I get there and STAND IN LINE FOR 35 MINUTES. I thought that was a European thing?? I don’t know why everyone makes fun of the DMV when the Post Office was that bad. At least we get chairs at the DMV. (at least we do in good old Jamestown) So I stand, and stand, and stand. One of the guys was freaking out at the counter about the price of insuring his package. I was so annoyed that I ALMOST said something and asked if he goes to CHQ in the summer. Argh I hate people who are rude. Anyways… I get up to the window and this very friendly woman said that my stuff wasn’t there and I should have gotten it because most carriers deliver it even if it has a different name on it. Hmmm. Ok… so what a girl to do? Wait a few days was my answer. Awesome.


So I leave the post office slightly grumpy (ok more than slightly) and head to Walmart because I want cheap Peeps and am prepared to fight children for them. I get there and… NO PEEPS. Seriously? No Easter stuff at all. Wow ok. I grab some things that I needed (such as baby carrots) and head home feeling like the package and peep gods hate me. I make pizza (when I say make I mean shove a frozen one in the oven) in my misery and realize that I have to bring the garbage down. ARGH. Im so lazy at this point. I decide that since I have to hike down the hill, Ill check the mail since Im halfway there. I grab my keys and trek down, put out the garbage. I get to the mailbox…. Open it.. and inside is a pink slip of paper. Really??? I turn it over and it says “dear customer, I left you the key to Box 3 again as you have packages”. OMG. That stupid key has been sitting there ALL WEEK LONG. Im not kidding. I didn’t know what it was. I look down and there is a bigger mailbox that says “3” on it. No… this is not happening. I open it and LO AND BEHOLD THERE ARE 3 PACKAGES. I was angry, embarrassed and happy all at once. I yank them out and then try to get the key back out of the keyhold. I tried, and tried, and tried. My finger hurt, and my legs were falling asleep (from sitting on them) and this man comes across the street and says “you know that once you put the key in it doesn’t come back out right?? The mail carrier has to get it”. Oh great. I laugh and say no. He asks how long I would have tried before I gave up. Yeah… it was funny but even more embarrassing. He was really nice and welcomed me to the neighborhood (since I was obviously new) What a fiasco.


I carried my golden packages up the hill and ripped them open. Yay for Easter candy and legos. The best part…. There were peeps! I was so happy except for the fact I wasted 2 hours of the my life between the post office and wal-mart.


That was my day in a nutshell. Only me…


  1. Anna!! I'm so glad you got your packages! My mailroom in the apartment building has small boxes and big boxes like that, but I expected packages in those boxes since we have tiny boxes and nowhere else for packages to be set. It's crazy, I know. I'm glad you got your stuff!

  2. Haha, only you. Classic :) it does make for a great story. But I am very glad that you got your packages!
