Tuesday, April 29, 2014

I Have Been Slacking

Im really slacking at blogging. Im sorry. I think its because life here isn’t QUITE as exciting as London. And I have more to do here. Im gone from 6:50-4:45pm everyday and when I get home I crash, do chores and crash into bed. Phew!

Im officially older! 25 years old.. An entire quarter of a century. Holla. I know its really weird but I FEEL older. Not in a bad way. I think its because Im back out of my parents’ house and am getting used to real life on my own again. And my ankle has been aching lately… I didn’t think I was old enough to have old college injuries to haunt me. I thought that was at least in my 40’s! Anyways Im more sentimental then I have been for any of my other birthdays. Grateful for where I have been, and pumped to see where I am going.

This transition has been the easiest one that I have lived through. Rome was close to being just as easy (everything was handed to us though and set up when we got there so I don’t count it) London was far harder than this. Funny thing is when something sucks I just think back to that moment that Im sititng on my bed (not on the comforter of course) in tears trying to convince my parents to let me come home and they just told me no…. everything seems better than that moment. (ok sitting on the curb in Sicily was a little rough too) I think everyone should be required to have a passport to come down here. Its like a different country. Everything about it is different (ok well except that everyone speaks English (almost), they drive on the correct side of the street, and use dollars) But its been the easiest. I have one night of panicking… that is a record. One night and I have been content ever since. Life is good. Finally.

Everyone keeps asking how the job is going. First I took a training on how to pivot a table in excel… and I only get the basics. Hahaha :) Its not my dream job… but its not horrible. Its paying me well, giving me benefits, and got me out of Ashville. I did get assigned to a new project and I read the description and have no idea what it is at all. Haha. My training is next Thursday on the 8th.

Im in LOVE with the weather. Its been in the high 80’s all week. I am living in dresses and sunglasses. Not a bad thing at all. I did burn my face on the sunglasses. Learned a lesson yesterday… I left them in my glove compartment and after work I grabbed them and put them on. Yeah… I burnt my face and nose. It hurt like you know where. I now bring them inside.

Nothing uber embarrassing has happened to me. I am in the process of eating a DQ blizzard cake by myself… and Im loving not sharing!

The commute is getting better… there are just 2 spots that are still rough because Lucy is a standard and I have to go from a complete stop to going across 3 lanes of traffic within 60 yards. Its rough every morning.

Ok that’s it for the day! I have football practice tonight that I am sure I will make a fool of myself. Football is big down here and I haven’t played since the Powder Puff game senior year during Homecoming… its been awhile. We shall see if I can catch a football.

Miss you all!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure you can catch, just don't lose your shorts in the process of getting a flag torn off!
